
Fork Hill Baptist Church was established in the year 1813. It began when two members from Flat Creek Church traveled northwest until they arrived in the community of Fork Hill. They found a group of unchurched people eager for Scriptural leadership and a place to worship. Fork Hill was a wide-open field for the Gospel because there were only two other churches within the county. There was no Baptist association until two years later in 1815 when the Moriah Baptist Association was organized. Land would be generously donated for the placement and the building of a worship center for Fork Hill Baptist Church. Our current membership today continues to worship on the same land on which the church was established.

Fork Hill Baptist Church had in its beginning a vision for people’s spiritual needs being met through teaching, preaching and ministry. This vision did not stop with just its own community; it reached beyond to others, as well. Fork Hill Baptist Church has aided in the establishment of four churches locally. Spring Hill Baptist Church was established in 1834. White Bluff Baptist Church was established in 1894. Flint Ridge Baptist Church was established in 1903. Rich Hill Baptist Church was established in 1906. Fork Hill Baptist Church has a vision for foreign missions and through the years has aided in the establishment of several churches in the countries of Brazil, Haiti, and Paraguay.

The heritage of Fork Hill Baptist Church has always included solid Scriptural teaching which has helped to develop men and women of God for the future. Through the years God has raised up people to teach and witness to one generation so that another generation could do the same for the next generation. Therefore, men and women are continuing to develop as God’s people for the future because of the vision years ago to establish a church in the Fork Hill community.


Our Beliefs

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, supernaturally inspired by God, so that it is without error in the original manuscripts and preserved by God in its verbal, plenary inspiration, so that it is a Divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life.

We believe that the Godhead exists eternally in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – that these three are one God.

We believe in God as the absolute and sole Creator of the Universe and that creation was not through evolutionary process, but instead completely by Divine action.

We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of love for men, sent Christ into the world to seek and to save sinners.

We believe that Jesus Christ in the flesh was both God and man; that He was born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life. We believe that He taught and performed mighty works, wonders, and signs that were miraculous and supernatural exactly as revealed in the New Testament; that He died as a penalty for our sins, was buried, and was bodily raised from the dead on the third day. Later, He ascended to the Father’s right hand where He is the head of the church and intercedes for believers. We believe He is coming again, personally, physically, and visibly to the earth to set up His kingdom.

We believe God the Father sent Jesus Christ His Son to be the perfect atonement for sin. His sacrifice for sin on the cross redeemed us from the death penalty required for those who cannot perfectly keep the law of God as given in the Bible. Therefore, people are saved by grace through faith and, in turn, justified by Jesus through His shed blood alone.

We believe that God has established the Church to display His glory to the world as we love each other and make disciples that know and obey His commandments.